Monday, May 20, 2024

The Sycophants Chorus

Or Scenes from the Courthouse

(sung to the tune of: M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E club)

“Oh, we are the sycophants

As you can see

Selling our souls

To become VP.

Wearing red ties

Our messages to send


We’re your loyal friends.

Disparaging rules

We vowed to uphold

Bobbing our heads

We hope justice unfolds.

It does not matter

How many lies we might tell,

We’ll follow our MAGA leader

To the Gates of Hell!

Because we are the modern GOP

Value-free for all to see!”

© SKDooley

Most of us have seen the spectacle unfolding on the courthouse steps in Manhattan as our former president stands on trial for filing false election reports, altering official business records, and making misstatements, among other charges. Grown men and women, many of whom are elected officials and members of Congress, are standing outside the courthouse, echoing words that their dear leader is under court orders not to say. The absolute idiocy of many people reading from the same script, and pretending to be bothered by the charges, legally approved by a grand jury, and being validated day after day in the courtroom cannot be overstated.

This has become a theater of the absurd. Some are granted special access to the courtroom and enter en masse as if to intimidate the jury, which probably does not know who they are, except to note they get VIP seating.

I hope that next week Judge Juan Merchan puts a stop to this circus as he has been running a tight trial so far. When the defendant demanded that crowds in the streets show up to protest what he called an unjust trial, and none appeared, he apparently developed this alternate playbook. He has paid for crowds before; it was said that those attending his Tower ‘down the staircase speech’ were mostly from central casting. And this time he doesn’t even have to pay; the American people pay most of these folks to legislate!

He just called in his lackeys the compliant GOP! Just look at who is vying to be his Vice President: Here is Senator Scott from Florida, then JD Vance from Ohio, Tim Scott from South Carolina, who already sold out long ago, Governor Burgum from North Dakota, oh and that dumb Tommy Tuberville from Alabama-(he can’t possibly be in contention, can he?) Later arrivals have included that noisy, squawking, and sellout Representative Elise Stefanik from NY, the sleazy Matt Gaetz from Florida, Byron Donalds, also from Florida; one best known for groping, Lauren Bobert from Colorado, and of course, MTG from Georgia. Even Vivek Ramaswamy, a previous candidate who was not elected to anything, came by! All the GOP Illuminati, so to speak, topped off by the Speaker of the House, Michael Johnson from Louisiana, who stated: “that they have weaponized and politicized the American Judicial system to go after a political opponent.” He did not even try to stand up and support the Rule of Law. But then, Gaetz came back with his best rendition of a Proud Boy response. Somehow, I think, even the Proud Boys (many of whom are already jailed for their Jan 6 activities) would not be impressed.

As Johnson is an attorney, and supposedly a devout Christian, I wonder how he can make such a lying statement with a clear conscience. According to the Hill, many non-MAGA Republicans believe that this was not a proper role for a Speaker to take on. Senators Lisa Murkowski, AK, and Mitt Romney, UT, each spoke out against this action.

Last week, the House Oversight Committee rescheduled a sham hearing against Attorney General Merritt Garland for contempt so that these House actors could appear on the make-shift NY stage. When Democrats contested these actions, MTG spoke out, perhaps attempting to redeem herself after her move to unseat the Speaker went down in flames. However, when she went after Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas about Crockett's false eyelashes, one might think she was auditioning for Mean Girls! And when Crockett threw out her reply, all decorum was lost in what was supposed to be a House of Order and Rules.

(The Republicans on the Committee were supposedly upset that Garland would not release the audio tape of Special Prosecutor Hur’s examination of President Biden during his classified document review case. They were given the transcripts but wanted to have the audio, some say, to make political points against the President. Biden negated all of this by citing a presidential exception with an Executive Order and kept the audio from distribution. This also essentially released Garland from any contempt charges.)

Are you like me, beginning to wonder if we are looking like a banana republic or a caricature of King Arthur’s Court? We are supposed to be a nation of laws based on a Constitution where no one is above the law. Where a poor person can receive the same consideration in court as a rich person -well, we know that isn’t so; delay, deny, and divert, are not valid legal defenses, but they have been employed in excess in each of the trials where the former president has been charged. Most people appear in court and do not attack the judge, his family, or staff before or during the proceedings. Traditionally, defendants appear in court and do not make a circus of the process. Defendants usually try to behave in court according to the expected civilized societal norms.

From what I have read about this trial, I believe the Prosecutors have made their case. They have documents, tapes, and statements from believable witnesses that seem to validate the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. I just hope the jurors agree. Guilty!

Otherwise, when out on the rare campaign trail stop, the former president seems to lose a step or two or three as his speeches make less and less sense. While right-wing media is quick to point out whenever President Biden stubs his toe, they are often reluctant to note the slurred speeches and meandering dialog of their favored candidate. Deviating from his teleprompter, he suddenly spoke in favor of a fictional criminal called Hannibal Lecter, coming to dinner with incoherent remarks. And his finger might be on the nuclear button?

Both candidates have agreed to appear for two debates to be held before early voting begins. While the rules are still being established, there will be no audience and the use of controlled microphones will be enforced. We’ll see how that works, as the former president was out of control in previous debates. Some pundits even predict he will find a pretext that allows him to back out at the last minute. President Biden is aggressive on this issue, but I don’t think he needs to be; his opponent can mess this up without Biden’s help. There also is a tentative VP debate.

Judge Merchan appears to be a skilled and neutral judge. However, as recent news reports show, some on our Supreme Court cannot claim such neutrality because of their actions. The Supreme Court is our highest court and the last word in disputes. The justices who serve there must be above the political fray and held to the highest standards. This court has lost a lot of public support with many recent decisions that I have discussed in previous posts. But recently, the court has been criticized for taking favors from those with concerns before the court. Justice Thomas has been asked to recuse himself on issues relating to January 6th as his wife was active in promoting the protest, but he refused to do so.

Now, a news report this week from the NY Times informed us that, on the dates following the January 6th insurrection, an American Flag flew upside down outside of Justice Alito’s home. An upside-down flag has been used as a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” movement promoted by the MAGA crowd and is sometimes seen as a sign of distress. When asked, Alito claimed his wife did this in response to anti-DJT signs placed by neighbors in their yards.

Both justices are supposed to rule shortly on the former president’s petition about absolute immunity. How in this world can either of them claim to be impartial? They each should step aside and recuse themselves from the immunity decision. For those who might laugh this off, this is no laughing matter. It goes to the core of our judicial system, where the justices are supposed to decide according to the Rule of Law and our Constitution. Lower courts have guidelines and regulations about recusal. The Supreme Court is expected to self-police as necessary. It strains belief to expect that Justices and their spouses do not communicate and do not voice opinions about their actions.

As a principle, we expect justice to remain blind, fair, and equal under the law. Americans, I believe, still expect this from their courts at all levels. The Chief Justice must step up and remove these two justices from this immunity decision if he ever hopes to regain the trust of the American people regarding the decisions of this court.

Despite all of its flaws and imperfections, I believe in our country and our democracy and want to see it work. And I think most Americans do also, aside from the MAGA cults, the Qanons, anarchists, and other conspiracy theorists. So, Americans, you have a job to do. Get out there and speak up for your country. Make it work for each of its citizens. Make it work for our immigrants, guests, and residents. Hold officials accountable. Get out there and VOTE!

Speaking of voting…Congrats to each of the winners in the MD Democratic Primaries. You also have to get out there and make yourself known and give the voters a reason to vote for you. Congrats to Angela Alsobrooks – you did it against great odds! Go after Larry -I don’t really want to run for Senate – Hogan. Who suddenly has an affinity for Roe? Congrats to April McClain Delaney, get out there and win that race for the 6th District!

As for the Frederick County School Board race, I have not seen the final results yet, but am saddened that a Mom for Liberty candidate seems to be among the top finishers. Frederick County should do so much better than this by November! This happens when there is a low turnout in a primary and the zealots show up.

Til next week-Peace!

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