Monday, May 2, 2022

Do Words Matter?

Over the last few weeks, media reported about several conversations held by House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy which were taped, apparently without his knowledge. Someone released these tapes to the New York Times, that published articles about them and two reporters who wrote a book including this information. CNN released about the same time, thousands of emails and texts from former Presidential Chief of Staff.

Each release showed prominent men privately saying or writing words that differed greatly from their public pronouncements. Of course, this is not a new happening. People in public life have done such things for generations. The private tapes of Richard Nixon and President Johnson each revealed such contradictory words, so no one should be surprised.

But, where I am troubled, is when, in the tapes right after the horrors of January 6th, McCarthy states he will ask DJT to resign and gives a speech, noting that he bears responsibility for the insurrection events; a few weeks later, he goes to Mar-a-Largo and caves in to the disgraced president and all is seemingly forgiven. As one commentator noted, McCarthy did the right things for a hot minute, then retreated. Senator McConnell says much the same in his speech right after the impeachment vote failed in the Senate. Yet, later he says that he would vote for the disgraced president were he to run again! Soon, the Republicans are back on the “the election was stolen” railroad track. None of their followers see anything wrong with this, it seems. Why is this duplicity okay? Is this dependent on the “we must win at any costs and we don’t care who can help us get there” theory of politics? So, even as Reps. Mo Proctor, Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Greene are disparaged in these conversations, they will be supported by the caucus, as they please the treasured party base. I guess the old phrase ‘politics makes for strange bedfellows” remains a true saying.

Greene (who has been challenged over her fitness to appear for re-election by a voter who claims she supported the insurrection and is therefore ineligible to run for office) consorted with white supremacists. Greene has had a severe memory deficit during her testimony and seems to not recognize tweets she made earlier. Some might even say that she is lying. Gaetz is still under suspicion for sex offenses in a Florida investigation. Brooks, who appeared on the stage at the rally before the raid on the Capitol wearing body armor, is now no longer favored by the former president who has endorsed his primary opponent.

On the other issue, Mark Meadows, who has been issued a subpoena which he disregarded after he had submitted some emails and texts, (some say because his former boss complained about some claims made in his book) and was referred by the select committee to the Attorney General. Meadows is now claiming in his court appeal of the subpoena that the release of the emails was an attempt to force him to comply. What they showed in these samples of over 2,000 texts is that Meadows was an active player in the election conspiracy claims and the formation of the “Stop the Steal” movement. Communications with the former Presidents’ son in the immediate aftermath of the election loss demonstrated that an active effort to overturn the results involved White House staff and campaign officials. Exchanges with many personages at Fox News included talking points to promote the ideas that the Democrats stole the election. Also surprising were the numbers of suggestions and communications from commentators such as Sean Hannity, to the office.

The White House was said to be furious during election week that Fox News called the results for Biden in Arizona days before the other networks made that claim. However, the texts reveal Meadows was among members of the inner circle who privately agreed that they could find no actual evidence of election fraud. As bans from Twitter and Facebook were imposed on the president after January 6th, staff comments reveal efforts to find other avenues or substitute ways to get the president back on instant communication.

The January 6th Select Committee announced this week that it will hold open hearings for eight sessions starting on June 8th. I will be one of those who plan to watch and listen carefully as these so-far limited communications reveal that there are many layers and players aside from the insurrectionists who actually stormed the Capitol building. In over 900 interviews, the committee learned about many of the unseen persons who plotted to overturn the election with fraudulent electors, fake claims of dubious ballots, and attacks on election workers and precinct officials. They also spoke with many who organized buses, other transportation, and lodging for the rally and march, and others who raised and provided funds for the day’s activities.

Recently, courts ruled that John Eastman’s emails (over 10,000), which he resisted providing, must be submitted to the committee. He was the plotter behind the claims that VP Pence could deny accepting the state-approved electors. His claim of attorney-client privilege was not accepted by the court. In that same hearing, the judge also ruled that the former president “more likely than not” committed criminal obstruction of the joint session of Congress meeting to approve the election. Familiar figures such as Giuliani and Stone have not yet been questioned, although they may yet come forward. Members of the former president’s family have testified as have many former staffers; the often-combative Stephen Miller testified for several hours this week. The committee may have leaked texts, but it has not revealed testimony, except to note when a person used the Fifth Amendment protection when questioned. Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who is a committee member, claimed recently that the hearings will “blow the roof off the House” and will show the involvement of the president.

As an aside, it was recently revealed that Mark Meadows claimed a voting residence at a trailer home that he never lived in when he represented a district in NC. Records appear to show that in 2020 he voted in NC and from a home in Northern Virginia. Mr. Meadows, did you really think you could get away with voter fraud; that no one would be looking? Or is this another example of right-wing arrogance? NC recently removed his name from state voting lists. Why do I have doubts that if this is true, that nothing will be done legally to punish him? What ever happened to his fine speech about fraudulent votes?


Brief Covid notes - NY Times:

The US has seen 81,276,040 total reported cases with 56, 700 reported yesterday. Death totals are now 992,033, with 320 new deaths reported yesterday. 66% of the US population is fully vaccinated. In Maryland with 76% of the population vaccinated, recent days have seen a 60% increase in the number of cases as 945 new cases are reported. According to the Times, reporting is probably an under-count as more people are testing at home and not reporting and many test centers have closed down. The Department of Justice is appealing the recent decision by a Federal Judge for the nationwide removal of the mask mandate on transportation and other venues. Current estimates show that approximately 60% of the US population has been infected, which is well under the reported totals.


Elon Musk succeeded with his quest to purchase Twitter and paid over $45 Billion to purchase all the stock. Some question whether he can make a profit and keep his financing intact. He used a combination of cash, Tesla stock, and loans against tesla to finance the deal. Others continue to ask why he wanted the chat site and wonder if he will continue the ban for life imposed by the former board against DJT. Many are also concerned regarding what Musk’s definition of free speech really is and how he might exercise that opinion. Time will tell.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine continues and now appears to be on track for an extended period. Putin hoped to have a defeat in hand immediately after he invaded, then he moved that goal to include the defeat of the Donbas and nearby areas by May 9th, the Russian anniversary of the end of WWll; it does not appear that he will make this goal either, as the heavy artillery from the West seems to make a difference. Some 100 civilians are being rescued from Mariupol tonight, but many others remain waiting for rescue. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, made an unannounced trip to Kyiv on Sunday; she and her delegation met with President Zelensky, and other officials briefly.

Another MAGA endorsed candidate has been accused of groping-why am I not surprised? In the Nebraska governor’s race, the MAGA candidate, Charles Herbster, has been accused by a second woman of groping. Birds of a feather, as they say?

That is all for now.

“Til next week, hope for peace.


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