“Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and
cauldron bubble.”
In Macbeth, the witches warn that nothing good can come of
the actions whereby Mac Beth killed to get the throne, even though they
prophesied he would win the throne. In the end, several deaths were at his
hands, even as he ascended to the throne. It was a hollow victory, and worries
about these crimes drove him and his wife to despair. Of course, as tragedies
do, it ended with both of them, and many others, dying.
As Halloween and Election Day are both upon us, I wonder
just what other calamities are in store should the GOP take control of the
House or horrible thought - the Senate as well. It is certainly more serious
than trick or treats as the GOP has in store only tricks and no treats. I know
that this area has seen some of the worst and most misleading ads by Republican
candidates. In fact, I wished for used car ads again! The overkill with negative
political ads needs to stop. Pundits say they air negative ads because they
work. I know that they have never convinced me.
Their churlish responses to the wounding of Speaker
Pelosi’s 82-year-old husband by an intruder were exercises in pettiness. The
GOP has long used images of Nancy Pelosi in their attack ads-where she was the
wicked witch, for sure. And, even after the attack on her husband, which caused
a skull fracture, these ads continued. This petite, elegant woman, who is tough
as nails, is often portrayed as a harridan by the Republicans who use her as a
foil for all that they want to claim is wrong with Democratic decisions.
According to USA
Today, Governor
Glenn Youngkin of Virginia on the campaign trail said: “There’s no room for violence anywhere, but
we’re going to send her back to be with him in California,” Youngkin said at
the event.
An exception was Governor Sununu of New Hampshire, who said
as reported by the Hill:
“I don’t think
there’s any need for the attack ads, and, again, you know, right now, all our
thoughts and prayers and sympathy have to go out to Nancy Pelosi, her entire
family, her husband, of course,” Put all the politics aside. Ignore the
elections. She’s gonna get reelected fine. I mean, let’s just make sure that
she and her family are safe, they’re taking the right steps to make sure that
not just they’re safe but hopefully extend that safety out to the other members
of Congress and the Senate,” Sununu said.
Minority leader Kevin
McCarthy, a member of Pelosi’s state delegation, said he texted her about the
incident but did not make a public statement until Sunday when he said:
‘I wanted to
convey that our thoughts and prayers were with her and her family, with Paul,
and we hope him- for him, a speedy recovery, and that we’re able to stop this
crime across our country,’ McCarthy said.
‘Of course,
this person seems deranged.’
He acts as if he is sending kind thoughts but
links a possible deranged person to the so-called crime wave across the
country, a big Republican talking point, that omits the facts that red states
have more crime and more gun violence than blue states.
Are you ready for ‘attack dog’ Congressman Jim
Jordan to be the head of the House Judiciary Committee? Or for Marjorie Taylor
Greene to head any committee? She claims to be readying her Impeachment resolution
against President Biden; she has had it ready since Inauguration Day, it seems.
Or how about tying the hands of Merritt Garland by cutting the budget for the
Department of Justice or the IRS? Of course, McCarthy has already threatened to
impeach Garland. As for issues that would support these Impeachments–they claim
they do not need any because they can use the phrase ‘other crimes and
Before we go any further, the Department of Justice seems to be getting even closer to an indictment over the refusal to turn over security documents from Mar-a-Largo. A new prosecutor, known for previous convictions in misuse of classified documents, has joined the DOJ team to review the documents retrieved. Who knows what this group might do should someone ever indict the former president for just a few of his crimes?
Grandstander Senator Ted Cruz is already threatening impeachment as revenge. You impeached our guy; we will go after your guy, he intoned. Then, for good reason, he would throw in the HHS secretary because of immigration issues. Of course, this is regardless of the fact when they controlled both houses and the presidency, they could not and did not want to solve border control and immigration.
And then there is always the concern about
the President’s son, who may have made a misstatement about a gun permit and
carelessly left his laptop in a repair shop for too long. Republicans are
promising to turn the investigation of Hunter Biden into a new Benghazi
investigation. The FBI in Delaware has been said to be looking at charges
regarding Biden, but time will tell if this goes anywhere. Do you remember that
absurd series of hearings that were an attempt to smear expected candidate
Hillary Clinton? And do you remember they said that it was not political when
they kept Clinton testifying for eleven hours, during which she never failed to
answer and did not lose her composure?
It took two years, cost over seven million
dollars of taxpayer money, and found no wrongdoing in its final 800-page report
according to PBS.
Of course, it faulted the State Department and the Defense Department for not
protecting Americans, but there was a volatile situation that deteriorated
quickly. But it mostly faulted Ambassador Susan Rice, who bravely went on all
the morning talk shows with the talking points she was given and that later had
to be partially walked back. She did her job with the information that she had
and was castigated for doing so.
So, these are just a few of the dire things
that can happen if the GOP wins. So far, they have threatened to not approve
the debt limit unless the president lets them do whatever with spending cuts.
They are promising to roll back the taxes imposed to pay for the infrastructure
bill improvements, refuse to renew Medicare and Social Security legislation,
make the tax cuts for the rich permanent, and roll back the changes to Medicare
drug costs.
There is just so much that is scary about the
GOP- you have the MAGA folks, you have unqualified candidates; you have
conspiracy theorists and election deniers, or what else could they find?
As former president Obama said recently,
sorta like this: ‘You are sitting in the airport and someone says we need a
pilot for this plane and Herschel Walker steps up to say, I can fly this plane’-would
you get on that plane? So far, he has claimed to be an FBI agent, a police
officer, a college graduate, and a real sheriff, and who knows what-but he has
not been in any of those positions. He also claimed he did not pay for
abortions for two different women. Does anyone think this man is qualified to
be in the United States Senate?
And there is Kari Lake-a TV news broadcaster
who found religion and the Donald about the same time and is now a genuine
believer on both counts. Does anyone seriously think that this election denier is
qualified to lead the state of Arizona?
According to 538’s midterm model,
currently, Dems have a 55% chance of holding the Senate while the Republicans
have an 81% chance of taking over the House.
Cook’s Political Report thinks that in the
House 161 seats are leaning Democratic with 188 leaning toward Republicans with
about 85 seats up for grabs. In MD, Democratic Congressman Trone is projected to
win his seat, but they projected Republican Andy Harris to keep his. In Virginia,
two of the three women congresswomen are in tight races, that is Spanberger and
Luria, with Wexton expected to win in the redistricted districts. The RCDC is
running tons of negative ads in these races. In the Senate, Cook considers PA
and Wi to be tossups.
According to CNN, about 17.5 million votes
have already been cast by those doing early voting. ABC reports if mail-in
ballots are also counted, there have been over 20 million votes cast already.
These numbers seem to be pointed to a larger than 2018 turnout and one closer
to the 2020 tallies.
If, after these numbers, you feel down, here
is a rip-roaring political speech by former president Barack Obama in
Milwaukee, that should make you feel better-he speaks at minute 25: onward.
I miss his rhetoric. There is so much more
that I could say, but I think I will let Obama close tonight.
Happy Halloween!
‘Til next week -Peace!