Monday, September 27, 2021

Thank Dan Quayle?


From the National Archives:

Congress meets in joint session in the House of Representatives on January 6 to count the electoral votes. The Vice President, as President of the Senate, is the presiding officer. Tellers open, present, and record the votes of the States in alphabetical order. The President of the Senate announces the results of the State vote and then calls for any objections. To be recognized, an objection must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If an objection is recognized, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider the merits of any objections, following the process set out in 3 U.S.C. §15. After all the votes are recorded and counted, the President of the Senate declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States.

The statement above describes the process which is to be followed for the official counting by the Congress of the United States of the votes by the state electors of the Electoral College. It was this process that was interrupted when the rioters entered the Capitol in an attempt to prevent its completion. Later in the day, after the rioters were repelled, and the building was put back in some semblance of order, Congress completed its constitutional mission and the election of Joe Biden was certified officially.

The release of the newest book by Bob Woodward and Bob Costa called “Peril” examined the final days of the last president. One area the book reviews are the actions taken by members of the White House staff after the election results were certified by the Electors from the Electoral College in December. Plans were made to circumvent the ceremonial acceptance of the electoral college results from each state by the Congress on the date specified–January 6th. As the book describes, Vice-President Pence was being pressured to disallow votes from certain states and remove some of the votes won by Biden, replacing them with so-called alternative electors, thus allowing the “President” an eventual win. These moves are described in a memo obtained and spelled out in “Peril” and were written by a well-known Republican lawyer, John Eastman. Aside from the fact that these moves are against the constitution and improbable at best, they explain a framework for stealing an election that was well underway. This same attorney spoke at the rally before the assault on the Capitol and encouraged the insurrection. Why has he not been charged with trying to take action against the US Government?

The president was even heard telling Pence to act like a man and follow these plans. VP Pence checked with the Senate Parliamentarian, who told him that this plan could not be carried through, while others were telling him that he should go along. Eventually, according to Woodward and Costa, Pence turned to a trusted advisor from Indiana, former Republican VP Dan Quayle, for his advice and was told that he could not take these actions. Quayle reportedly said that the VP role had no authority and was expected to only be ceremonial. Ultimately, Pence followed his guidance and started the session, only to later find himself under threats of “Hang Mike Pence” from the mob and finally being rushed into hiding by the Secret Service. It was under his authority that the Pentagon finally released the DC National Guard to assist at the Capitol, since no one at the White House would do so. Finally, he presided, as required, over the certification of the votes which came in the hours past midnight after the body addressed and overrode objections by several Republicans.

We now have a Republican Party which, under the former president, has come to view its mission as only staying in power, regardless of what the Constitution or the Rule of Law might state. They have shown that there are no steps beneath them, even the possibility of negating elections should local officials so decide. They have led campaigns to harass local election officials and in some cases run them out of office. They have decided in some cases to remove the authority of the Secretary of State to certify election results. And in Arizona, even though the absurd Cyber Ninjas long-drawn-out recount showed that Biden won even more votes than originally attributed to him, the MAGA team asserted that he still won the state. The former disgraced president continued to lie about these results in speeches this weekend. After the results were announced, he called for a recount in Texas–a state he won–and Texas complied with recounts in urban areas primarily. So we have a national party that is silent and complicit in these lies and continues to act irresponsibly in these matters. Such actions are meant to destroy public belief in election results and could lead to years of litigation after future elections. Many believe that grounds are being laid to contest elections in 2022 and 2024 when the ex-president expects to again be the candidate of his party. (Tell me that this cannot be so!)

Two editorials this weekend sounded alarms about these concerns.  The first is an opinion piece by Robert Kagan and covers almost 3 pages in the Washington Post. He sets out the possibility of a dismal scenario for our near future: “The United States is heading into its greatest political and constitutional crisis since the Civil War, with a reasonable chance over the next three to four years of incidents of mass violence, a breakdown of federal authority, and the division of the country into warring red and blue enclaves. The warning signs may be obscured by the distractions of politics, the pandemic, the economy, and global crises, and by wishful thinking and denial. 

He further describes the country as already being in a Constitutional crisis as the amateurish “Stop the Steal” efforts have become a national organized effort to control local election boards which are expected to regulate future elections. He criticizes the leaders of the Republican Party as being a Zombie party with leaders going through the motions of governing even as the power in the party has leached away to Trump.”

He noted that a handful of responsible election officials in states such as Georgia kept the election results honest; he indicated that the party will not allow that mistake in the future if given their way with local officials.

As others, including General Milley, have written, he writes that the charismatic fascist leader always starts with a modest agenda which is eventually increased as well-meaning leaders appease it. Kagan further indicates: For many Americans, Trump is the answer to their fears and resentments….his egomania is part of his appeal…his victimization claims against the media and the elites echo their own sense of victimization…..they believe that the US government has been taken over, [as he claims], by socialists, minority groups and sexual deviants.”

He further states: “It would be foolish to imagine that the violence of Jan. 6 was an aberration that will not be repeated. Because Trump supporters see those events as a patriotic defense of the nation, there is every reason to expect more such episodes.

He issues a call to action for whatever reasonable Republicans there might be out there, such as those who voted for Impeachment, to exercise some leadership, to join with Democrats in crafting a responsible Voting Rights Law that can override the excesses in local elections being crated in some states. The elder statesmen of the party, even when out of office, have shown no such courage to date with the possible modest exception of George Bush. Kagan issues a challenge for bold actions which might lose them an election but might save the country.

The second article I found on this topic was in the New York Times and was written by Jamelle Bouie: Titled: “Trump had a mob, he also had a plan”,–he discusses further his incredulity at the Eastman memo and the machinations the White House undertook to override the election results. After reviewing the facts of January 6th and the failure of those efforts, he states: None of this should make you feel good or cause you to breathe a sigh of relief. Consider what we know. A prominent, respected member in good standing of the conservative legal establishment — Eastman is enrolled in the Federalist Society and clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — schemed with the president and his allies in the Republican Party to overturn the election and overthrow American democracy under the Constitution. Yes, they failed to keep Trump in office, but they successfully turned the pro forma electoral counting process into an occasion for real political struggle.

He concludes: On Jan. 20, Joe Biden became president and Donald Trump slunk off to Mar-a-Lago to lick his wounds. But the country did not actually return to normalcy. Jan. 6 closed the door on one era of American politics and opened the door to another, where constitutional democracy itself is at stake. There are things we can do to protect ourselves — legal experts have urged Congress to revise the Electoral Count Act to close off any Eastman-esque shenanigans — but it is clear, for now at least, that the main threat to the security and stability of the United States is coming from inside the house.”

So, are you scared yet? Can you believe it took Dan Quayle to convince the VP to act lawfully? I think that many people, now some nine months later, are finally realizing the extremes which the former president tried to keep himself in power. Why is that? Does he really believe his lies? Is he afraid of jail for all of his unlawful activities over the years, now that he no longer has immunity from prosecution? Would he overthrow the Rule of Law to suit his own needs, no matter the costs? This is so not the American Way of governing. 

Have we, as a country, lost sight of the values of our forefathers? Are our elected representatives so caught up in their own election cycles that they cannot see the greater need to protect this country from despots and fascist wannabees? Where are the statesmen/women who value the country above their own office? Why have Romney, Sass, and Cassidy gone silent? Are Reps. Cheney and Kinzinger the only Republicans with backbone? Contrast them with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, who has made herself into a mockery of who she used to be with her sycophancy. Where are the Governors and other leaders who will tell Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy to put their country first and not put the country into a shutdown or force a deficit for purely partisan gain? What has happened to our functional democracy? What will happen in the future?  Where are the Americans who will stand up and speak out and say enough of this? I see no happy endings here unless they do; what about you?


Some brief words about the virus and vaccines. The Director of the CDC overrode the conclusions of her advisors and widened the population eligible for booster shots. Pfizer indicated that they have applied for emergency use approval for a low dose vaccine for 5-11-year-olds and should hear within a few weeks. Maryland case numbers continue to be high with a 16% increase in cases, although vaccinations have also increased in the state to reach 64%. Montgomery, Howard, and Frederick Counties have vaccination levels of 75%, 73%, and 66% respectively.

COVID stats – NY Times:

US Totals: Total Cases: 42,905,619. New Cases: 119,883.

                  Total Deaths:    688,157. New Deaths: 2,031.

Maryland Totals: 9/24/21–Total Cases: 525,123. New cases: 1,363.

                                            Total Deaths: 10,362. New Deaths: 14.


I haven’t visited the panda for a while – check out this link for some splashing smiles:

“Til next week – Peace!

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